Midsummer wow event is finally here. Its my personal favorite wow event out of them all. Theres so much do to and everyone is having a blast so tell me in the comments how Midsummer is going for you on Wow

this blog is for all the wow fans out there that love to play and watch people playing wow.
Cataclysm Beta We’ll make it very clear when the time comes that the beta has started and what to expect if you are selected. Currently, with the StarCraft II beta, players who were selected were sent an email and were asked to log into their Battle.net account to access the beta download. Cataclysm beta should work similarly. We’ll do our best to be as clear in the process as we can so that everyone can hopefully avoid the more unscrupulous schemers who attempt to phish for accounts.
Just to be clear now, we have not started any beta invites at this time. Please be cautious of any emails you may receive until we say otherwise.
galarn Says: i hope it starts soon cause i cant wait to play a worgen druid XD!